The Girls Choir of the Choir Academy at the Konzerthaus Dortmund is made up of ambitious singers between the ages of 14 and 20. The ensemble is a continuation of the previous work in the children’s choirs and the youth pre-choir of the academy, where the singers have usually been active since the age of six. They enjoy intensive training there and acquire many basics in vocal technique and polyphonic choral singing. Conductor Volker Hagemann takes up this starting point and moves with the young singers musically on the most varied terrain: a cappella literature from the most diverse epochs is just as much a part of it as participation in symphonic works with larger instrumentation. In all projects, the focus is always on fun and a passion for music, while maintaining a consistently high level of quality. The ensemble regularly participates successfully in competitions, and the young singers are also active outside Germany: concert tours have already taken the choir to Italy, Ireland and southern England.
Girls Choir of the Choral Academy Dortmund