The Youth Choir St. Marien Osnabrück emerged in 2015 out of children’s choir groups that were founded earlier in 2010. The choir consists of around 40 singers between 12 and 20 years that attend up to eleven secondary schools in Osnabrück. The choir rehearses once a week, a yearly rehearsal week extends the time of singing and working together. Due to the connection to the church parish the main focus of repertoire is with sacred literature, but secular works of different centuries are performed as well regularly. In September 2017 the Jugendkantorei successfully took part at the “10. Niedersächsischer Chorwettbewerb” (Lower Saxony Choir Competition), in summer 2018 they visited the “Europa Cantat” festival in Tallinn (Estonia).
Youth Choir St. Marien Osnabrück