Joachim Geibel


Director of the Archbishop’s Music School of Cologne Cathedral Music, Director of the Cologne Cathedral Choir & Cologne Cathedral Chapel

Joachim Geibel, born in 1989, has been singing and making music since he was a child and completed a C-level diploma in church music while still at school. After studying and completing his teacher training in music and maths for the school teaching system, he completed his Master’s degree in choral conducting with Prof. Martin Berger at the Robert Schumann University in Düsseldorf with top marks.

After almost ten years as choir director of the choir of the Protestant student community in Cologne, he has been directing the Cologne Oratorio Choir since 2022, and was also director of the Cologne Children’s University Choir and assistant to the University Music Director Michael Ostrzyga at the Collegium Musicum of the University of Cologne from 2018 to 2023. In 2020/21, he taught conducting for childrens‘ choirs at the University of Cologne, and since 2022 he has taught courses for prospective teachers in the field of aesthetic education as a permanent member of staff.

In 2021, he and the KölnerKinderUni-Chor (the Cologne Uni Children’s Choir) won the Kinderchorland-Preis in Nordrheinwestfalen (German federal state of North Rhein Westfalia) in the category Deutsche Chorjugend (German Youth Choirs). In 2017 and 2020, they were awarded first and second prize in the Rectors’ Conference’s inter-university music education competition for the conception and direction of the Cologne Welcome Choir and follow-up projects with Nicole Lena de Terry.

Joachim Geibel is also a member of the ‘Christian Popular Music’ working group in the Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (German Catholic Youth Association) in Cologne and is also on the national board of the ‘Arbeitskreis Musik in der Jugend’ (Committee of Youth Music).